Background Story of Hipster Cat’s Family

All about why

Hipster Cat Fams
3 min readJan 22, 2022

Why Hipster?

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo from Pexels

Actually, we don’t really know in detail how hipster culture from the beginning of history emerged until today.

Maybe the term hipster is not foreign to your ears. But, maybe for some people the term is still not familiar.

The standard that people know about hipsters is a kind of slang for those who are often considered cool and maybe weird in the place where they live. You could say they have a unique hobby, anti-mainstream and something that is not in accordance with current trends.

Unfortunately, many say that a hipster doesn’t really like being called a hipster. The reason is because the word hipster itself tends to be a word that is used as a form of condescending and describes someone who is too cool to even be considered useless.

That’s why, we took hipster as the core of this project because simply we love the unique and authentic hipster aesthetic style.

Why Cat?

Photo by Monique Laats:

Who doesn’t like cats? We think the majority of people living in this world really like cats.

The fact is that the lifestyle of the hipster likes to do social activities and is also an animal lover. Yes, they have a high level of concern for their social surroundings and are also very concerned about animal safety.

Maybe you also don’t realize that there are hipters who are animal activists and they are aggressively saving abandoned wild animals and caring for them and not infrequently they are also against anyone who behaves badly to animals.

Cats are the form that we take the picture we want to show that hipsters are indeed very social and animal lovers. Also, from this cat image we want you and everyone else out there to stop looking down on hipsters and seeing them as useless. Hipsters may come off as lazy as cats, but maybe they have something unique and it’s actually beneficial to be around that maybe touches your heart.

We don’t want to make hipster being mainstream and not unique anymore, but through cats we want to show that hipsters are still unique as they are and can be loved by many people.

Why Glasses?

Photo by Lisa Fotios:

Have you ever wanted to look attractive by wearing glasses? Yes, that’s the reason we use glasses as a part of the main element in this project. Glasses are also one of the elements used by hipsters to be unique.

Maybe you also wonder why if you wear glasses you can look cool especially with a variety of unique glasses’s frame models. Many people purposely wear unique glasses to improve their look.

Besides the glasses also being an image for style, we also want to show that hipsters are confident, convincing and worthy of consideration.

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Hipster Cat Fams

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